5 things to do if your brand hates growth

We run through 5 of the biggest mistakes we see brands making in 2024.

Here are the top 5 things  to do if you HATE money as an ecommerce marketer/founder.

I recently had an interesting conversation with a brand founder and we got onto the topic of mistakes we see brands making in the marketing department.

We came up with a list and I thought I'd share it here.

Here are the top 5 things  to do if you HATE money.

👉🏻 Selling the product NOT the solution in Top of Funnel marketing.

A clear sign of someone who hates money.

Users don’t care about your “patent” or “studies” (at first). These are great objection handlers, but if you want to grab someones attention then start by speaking to their pain points.

Then use your product to bridge the gap from their current situation, to their desired one.

👉🏻 Not testing or optimising landing pages.

If you have clients coming from ads and landing on unoptimised shopify theme product pages, you probably hate money.

Poor post-click experience (landing pages) will kill your ecommerce business.

Everyone is so focused on ad account set up and ad creative (as they should be) but they forget there is another HUGE lever they can pull post click.

Imagine being able to boost your ROAS by 30% without touching you ad account or creatives?

That is the unlock a good landing page can give you.

You should be testing new landing pages every month, from advertorials, listicles to product squeeze pages.

👉🏻 No continuity at different stages of the funnel.

If your ad creative, post click landing pages and emails aren't all synchronised with continuity on messaging and branding, then you probably hate money.

👉🏻 Stressing over "perfect brand" ad creative.

If you'd rather have 3 x perfect pieces of creative than 10 x good pieces of creative, then you probably hate money.

Volume, speed and iteration is key when scaling ad spend aggressively.

With Meta attributing 47% of the bidding outcome to creative, you need consistent output, paired with rigorous testing systems.

👉🏻 Worrying about "brand" when you're earning >10M in ARR.

If you think your public image is more important than sales and profit, you probably hate money. If you aren’t a household name, you can get away with more than you think.

PS. If you're doing any of these things, it's time to make some changes (assuming you don't actually hate money) 😅